Grover Cleveland is a sought-after speaker on law career success and the author of Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks: The Essential Guide to Thriving as a New Lawyer, now in its Third Edition, published by West Academic.
He is a former partner at Foster Pepper in Seattle, WA. While in private practice, he represented Paul Allen, the late Microsoft co-founder, and many of his companies, including the Seattle Seahawks.
Grover provides interactive practical skills workshops for the world’s leading law firms. He is known for engaging programs that empower summer associates and associates to provide more value, stay engaged, and advance. He also accepts select individual coaching engagements with attorneys at all levels, including partners.
Grover is the author of Taming Time, the time management chapter in An Associate’s First Year: A Guide to Thriving at a Law Firm, edited by Jennifer L. Bluestein and published by PLI. And he is the author of the chapter on delegating effectively in Stepping It Up, a book from PLI for mid-level associates.
A recognized expert on law career success, he has been inducted as a fellow in the College of Law Practice Management and has been quoted in leading publications, including the Ms. JD blog, The American Lawyer, Law Practice Today and other ABA publications, Law 360, and The Wall Street Journal.
Grover is a regular speaker at national legal career conferences, including the Professional Development Consortium and NALP. He is passionate about helping women and minorities advance in the profession and was a nominee for Ms. JD’s TIM (The Incredible Man) award. And he the NALP liaison to the National LGBT Bar Association.
He is not related to the 22nd and 24th President of the United States.